International Clients - Experiencing difficulties with the CBSA CARM system.
International Clients - Experiencing difficulties with the CBSA CARM system.
Impression Evidence Expert:
-Fingerprint Expert
-Footwear Expert
-Tire Track Expert
-Review impression evidence and forensic case file for criminal and civil court
-Produce reports
-Best practices in Ontario for forensic identification
Many lawyers in criminal and civil cases do not have a professional evaluation or analysis of forensic evidence tendered in court.
The admissibility of evidence may be questioned, but the quality, accuracy or sufficiency of the disclosure evidence is frequently overlooked. Fingerprint, footwear or tire track evidence should be analyzed by both parties in a legal action.
-Crime Scene Investigation / reinvestigation, evidence collection, preservation, and documentation. Examination of evidence for impression evidence such as fingerprints or footwear impressions.
These investigations are arranged through a lawyer or private investigator.
-External reviewer of college and university forensic and investigative courses and programs
-Film and TV production consultant
-Forensic investigative training